Taking The Mystery Out Of Detoxing

By Jacquie Eubanks BSN, RN

If you are thinking about detoxifying your body for health, weight or energy challenges, you may need to first ask yourself, “Are my body’s natural detoxification systems working well?”  Our bodies are built to detoxify.  In fact, it’s happening 24/7 as our liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymphatic system and digestive tract all work tirelessly to prevent toxic substances from entering our bloodstream or to rid them before they can cause harm.  Our bodies themselves create toxins as a byproduct of normal metabolism.  Basic cell function includes taking in nutrients and eliminating wastes. 

Unfortunately, we live in a time when extraordinary amounts of toxins can be found in both our environment and our food supply.  External toxins come from environmental pollution, food additives, pesticides, industrial toxins, and chemicals in our cleaning products and personal care items.  Studies show that environmental chemicals are being stored within our bodies.  The Centers for Disease Control reported results of a study where toxic residues were found in the blood and urine of virtually every one of the 2,500 Americans tested.  Toxic residues can accumulate in our fat tissues as well, and over time that accumulation has been linked to numerous health concerns. 

Basically, to detoxify means to cleanse the blood and address the needs of individual cells.  Detoxification has been practiced for centuries in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and involves resting, cleansing and nourishing the body.  The idea is that by first eliminating toxins and then feeding your body healthy nutrients, you can help prevent disease and restore your body’s natural ability to maintain optimal health.  The ability of our bodies to detoxify efficiently is based on factors such as genetics, the amount of individual toxic exposure and the availability of nutrients necessary for the detoxification process. 

There are some simple, effective lifestyle choices that can be made to help reduce the toxic burden on our bodies.  A simple short term program might entail resting the organs through fasting from certain foods, stimulating the liver to promote natural removal of toxins, promoting elimination through the kidneys, GI tract and skin, improving blood circulation and refueling with healthy nutrients.  Lifestyle habits that incorporate clean living can aid your body’s natural detoxing powers by lightening up on toxic load.  Minimizing the use of chemical-based household cleaners and personal care items and substituting natural alternatives is a good place to start. 

Some natural ways to jumpstart the body’s internal housecleaning process might include:

Don’t go to extremes.  Gradually make changes to eliminate your exposure to toxins without jumping on the latest fad detox diet bandwagon.  When buying personal care items, food, cleaning products, etc., read labels and make the least toxic choices.  Let a healthy long-term lifestyle be your guide to supporting natural detoxification processes on a regular basis. 

Support your body with optimal nutrients.  Vitamins and minerals support the daily detoxification processes.  Be sure to get adequate amounts of vitamins C, E and B complex as well as zinc, magnesium and selenium.  Eat clean organic and pastured raised foods whenever possible to eliminate pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in your food.  Eat cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli and cabbage and include onions and garlic, which are rich in detoxifying sulfur. 

Stimulate your digestive tract with fiber rich foods.  Fiber revs up the digestive tract, especially the fiber found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.  When we don’t eat enough fiber-rich foods, toxins that should be eliminated through our bowels get reabsorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in harmful inflammation and compromising the immune system.

Eliminate processed and prepared foods.  As much as possible avoid foods that come in boxes and packages.  Processed foods are designed for shelf life not health.  Most contain refined flours, added sugars, chemicals and preservatives.  The body thrives on whole, real food that contains nutrients, vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.  Whole foods, which take longer to digest, promote optimal weight, support balanced bloodsugar levels, increase energy and encourage good mood. 

Hydrate with an adequate amount of clean water.  Always address natural thirst.  Water, necessary for metabolic processes, keeps body salts balanced, transports nutrients throughout the body, flushes out toxins through urine production and keeps our bowels moving.  Eliminate sugary drinks and substitute water instead with a slice of fresh lemon or any fruit for additional flavor and nutrient benefit. 

Break a sweat.  Perspiration eliminates toxins, making it another good reason to exercise.   As part of its function as our largest organ, the skin eliminates excess body salt and other metabolic breakdown products.  Sweating helps to cleanse the skin, increases circulation, relieves stress and boosts cardiovascular activity. 

Learn to deal with stress.  Stress hormones add to the toxic load your body has to process.  Since all stress can’t be entirely eliminated, try to find healthy ways to deal with it.  Getting adequate sleep, exercising and finding some time to relax each day will all pay off towards a healthier you. 

There’s nothing wrong with taking a break from certain foods such as red meat, refined sugar or alcohol while emphasizing a more plant-based diet.  Gradually make more non-toxic choices and phase out bad habits.  Following a healthy life style and reducing toxic exposure over time can lead to increased health and vitality, better mental focus and a happier, longer lifespan. 

Nutrients that can aid the natural detox process:

Basic Detox Nutrients (VMD) by Thorne Research is a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement that includes higher levels of nutrients commonly found to be deficient in those with chemical overload.  Includes B vitamins, magnesium and botanicals found to aid and protect the liver and restore antioxidant defenses. 

Metabolic Detox Complete by Metabolic Maintenance  provides 20 grams of hypoallergenic pea, rice and hemp protein along with all essential vitamins and minerals, omega-3’s, fiber and antioxidants for complete nutritive support during Phase I and Phase II detoxification. 

Bio-Detox Packs by Biotics Research  supplies convenient packets of multivitamins, minerals and nutrients providing broad nutritional support for normal detoxification pathways and support for digestive and  gastrointestinal health and function. 

Total Body Detox by Advanced Naturals  provides a 3 part blend of organic herbs, fiber and nutrients for a wholesome, effective cleanse and support of the natural detoxification processes.