How to Manage Eczema Outbreaks

eczema outbreaks
Learn how to manage your eczema outbreaks.

When it comes to eczema outbreaks, getting your symptoms under control is a top priority. The burning and itching alone are enough to drive anyone crazy. So today we have some quick tips on how to manage your eczema outbreaks when they happen, and how to help prevent them from coming back again.

What is Eczema?

It’s not really clear what causes eczema outbreaks. Researchers believe they are triggered by an overactive immune response to something you’ve come in contact with, or in some cases, ingested. Symptoms of eczema outbreaks include:

  • Dry, red patches of skin.
  • Scaly patches of skin that may become thickened.
  • Itching, which may be severe.
  • Raised bumps which may puncture and crust over when repeatedly scratched.

What Causes Eczema Outbreaks?

The frustrating thing about eczema outbreaks is that it’s not always clear what triggers them. People with chronic eczema can get an idea about what sets them off through trial and error, but eczema outbreaks can sometimes pop up out of the blue. Here’s a list of the most common triggers that you should be aware of:

  • Excessively Dry Skin (especially in the wintertime)
  • Laundry Detergents
  • Soaps and Household Cleaners
  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Certain Metals
  • Stress
  • Perfumes and Other Fragrances
  • Certain Fabrics

Managing Eczema Outbreaks

Eczema outbreaks can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but they can be managed, and even prevented in some cases. Take a look at the tips below to help find relief fast.

  • Routinely Moisturize – Get into a habit of moisturizing your skin daily (at least). Start with a moisturizing soap or body wash in the shower, and immediately moisturize with a high quality body cream when you get out to lock in the moisture and prevent dry skin. Try Body Butter Organic Unscented by Dr. Mercola.
  • Target Outbreaks Immediately – As soon as you feel an outbreak coming on, start targeting it with an eczema spot treatment such as Eczema Control by Forces of Nature. Not only will you see instant relief, but it will shorten the life of outbreak and perhaps even stop it from really getting started.
  • Identify Triggers – Take note of the things that seem to trigger your eczema outbreaks, and try to avoid or eliminate them. Soaps and detergents can be swapped out for all-natural options, and allergens such as dust and pollen can be improved with more frequent cleanings. Certain foods, such as wheat, milk, eggs, or soy can also be triggers (especially in children), so talk to your doctor if you’ve noticed any outbreaks after eating these foods.
  • Take Shorter Showers and Baths – Hot water dries out the skin, so bathing quicker could help avoid an eczema outbreak. Experts also recommend patting your skin dry with a towel instead of rubbing it, which could cause more irritation.
  • Treat Eczema From the Inside – Remember, eczema outbreaks are a problem that starts from the inside, when an immune response (inflammation) is triggered by a substance you’ve come in contact with. Immune boosting ingestibles such as Dry Eczema drops by Professional Complementary Health Formulas that are placed under the tongue, or daily supplements such as this Eczema Pill by Loma Lux Laboratories can help stimulate the body’s own recovery response.

Eczema outbreaks can be managed if you learn to identify the warning signs and get proactive about treating them. Try these suggestions first and see if they help. If your outbreaks continue, or get more severe, talk to your doctor about what else may be contributing to your eczema. Good luck!