Here are some ways to help keep your brain sharp.
No matter your age, maintaining healthy cognitive function is the foundation for a full and satisfying life. We all forget where our keys are or have to rack our brains to remember why we walked into the bedroom in the first place, but memory is just a small portion of what your brain does.
The Professional Supplement Center team has the information and supplements you need to keep your brain sharp.
5 Ways to Keep Your Brain Sharp
There are several habits you can integrate into your daily routine to promote cognitive health.
Get Your Heart Pumping
Cardiovascular health is a key part of keeping your brain sharp and healthy. Multiple studies show that regular cardio exercise is the number one thing you can do to support brain health. It also plays a role in keeping blood pressure regulated and can stabilize mood and sleep cycles as well.
Schedule and Attend Your Regular Checkups
Getting a regular check-up and making sure you are completing recommended regular testing is a key part of maintaining brain health. These routine visits are designed to raise potential red flags that may indicate more serious issues.
Integrate Puzzles and Games into Your Life
When it comes to cognitive decline, if you regularly use your brain and all five of your senses it will thank you. According to Harvard Medicine, “The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain will be involved in retaining the memory.”
Prioritize Sleep
When you cheat yourself of sleep, your body and brain suffer. Sufficient sleep allows your brain to fully process information and function properly. The more you prioritize restful sleep each night the better your chances of a sharp mind later in life.
Stay Social
When you stay engaged with friends and keep a full social calendar your brain stays busy. Maintaining meaningful, enjoyable relationships is a key part of brain health at any age.
Supplements to Support Brain Health
The Professional Supplement Center is well-stocked with products to keep your brain sharp, here are a few we recommend.
Brain and Memory Power Boost by Brain MD
Specially formulated to promote healthy brain metabolism, Brain and Memory Power Boost by Brain MD is a highly recommended supplement for cognitive support. Vinpocetine and ginkgo biloba extract work in tandem to support healthy blood flow to the brain while phosphatidylSerine provides the building blocks for cell membranes.
ProDHA Memory from Nordic Naturals
Omega-3s are a powerful support for brain health and ProDHA Memory from Nordic Naturals has a blend of omega-3s designed to support the structure and function of brain cells. It also contains a blend of optimized curcumin, phosphatidylcholine, and huperzine A to support neural communication and protect neurons by modulating the effects of oxidative stress.
Dr. Formulated Brain Health, Memory and Focus for Adults 40+ from Garden of Life
As we age, our nutrient needs change. Dr. Formulated Brain Health, Memory and Focus for Adults 40+ from Garden of Life provides clean, whole-food ingredients like organic grape extract and organic wild blueberry extract, which may improve memory performance and cognitive function in healthy adults.
What habits have you developed to keep your brain sharp? Share them with our community in the comments section below.