How To Maintain A Healthy Weight

HealthyDietExerciseJacquie Eubanks RN BSN

If you are currently at a healthy weight, bravo! During the aging process, changes in activity levels, shifting hormones and a slower metabolism make it harder to maintain weight, as well as easier to gain weight. Some may think that physical activity can negate an unhealthy diet, however the combination of healthy eating and daily physical activity is found to be most beneficial for weight maintenance. Studies show that exercise benefits overall health, disease prevention and longevity. However, without a healthy diet, exercise alone appears insufficient to prevent weight gain or maintain weight loss.

Successful weight loss is defined as intentionally losing at least 10% of initial body weight and maintaining that loss for a minimum of one year. There’s a perception that no one is ever successful when it comes to long-term weight loss maintenance. Limited data shows that approximately 20% of overweight individuals are successful at maintaining their weight loss for five years or longer, showing that long-term weight maintenance is indeed possible with adherence to key health behaviors. While a 10% weight loss may not change an obese condition to a non-obese state, the health benefits of reduced heart disease and diabetes risks are substantial.

Those who have struggled to lose weight know that weight loss is a long and arduous process. Studies show that along with a healthy diet, the maintenance of weight loss, while difficult, is supported by one hour of daily moderate physical activity or by 30 minutes of vigorous daily activity. The amount of physical activity needed to sustain a healthy weight may still depend on the individual. However, along with a calorie controlled diet, exercise consistency as well as intensity appear to be key factors. To be sure, successful weight maintenance requires persistence. Regularly stepping on the scale to identify any weight gain of more than three pounds is a signal to maintain healthy habits to ward off additional weight regain.

Staying at the same weight as you age is now considered a successful way to reduce disease risk and maintain long-term health. Dr. I-Min Lee, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard School of Public Health states, “It’s so hard to lose weight and maintain the loss, so whatever weight you are, you should try to stay that weight – that is a success.”

-Most weight loss occurs through decreased caloric intake. Choosing nutritious foods along with the appropriate number of calories will help to prevent weight gain.

-Physical activity burns calories needed for energy. Reducing the number of calories consumed, combined with calories burned does aid weight loss.

-Per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), scientific evidence shows the only way to maintain weight loss over time is with regular physical activity.

-While weight reduction reduces chronic disease risks, physical activity reduces risks beyond that of weight loss alone. In additional to being integral to weight maintenance, physical activity is a vital part of heath management.

-Per the National Institutes of Health, multiple studies have shown that both men and women who exercised more had significantly greater weight loss maintenance than those who exercised less.

Professional Supplement Center carries these and other high quality supplements to support long-term health and weight maintenance:

Weight Management...Weight Management Profile by ZRT Laboratory – This at home weight management profile test kit identifies hormone imbalances that affect weight control, such as increased appetite, loss of lean muscle and weight gain. Test results are sent directly to you. Test kit includes collection instructions and materials, prepaid shipping label and a 15 minute in-person or telephone consultation.

Skip-A-Meal...Skip-A-Meal Shake by Progressive Labs – Skip-A-Meal is formulated for weight management by providing a satisfying, high protein, low calorie meal replacement with added vitamins and minerals. One serving provides 24 g of whey protein. Available in Chocolate (shown), Strawberry and Vanilla flavors.

PGX Weight Loss Meal...PGX® Weight Loss Meal Replacement by Bioclinic Naturals – This high fiber blend provides whey protein and medium chain triglycerides clinically shown to enhance body fat loss, preserve lean muscle, and induce satiety. A full complement of vitamins and minerals ensure support for healthy macronutrient metabolism. Available in Double Chocolate, French Vanilla (shown) and Very Strawberry flavors.

Garcinia CambogiaGarcinia Cambogia by Nutritional Frontiers – This product supplies hydroxycitric acid (HCA) derived from a small pumpkin-like fruit in support of appetite suppression, reduced food intake and weight loss.


Metabolic Lean ...Metabolic Lean™ by Douglas Laboratories – This weight management formula provides clinically studied ingredients that aid proper fat metabolism, glucose regulation, and insulin modulation. Gluten, soy and dairy free formulation.


Long-term weight loss maintenance.
Study shows keys to successful long-term weight loss maintenance.
How Much Exercise Prevents Weight Gain?
Preventing Weight Gain.
Healthy Eating for a Healthy Weight.
Physical Activity for a Healthy Weight.
Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US Studies.