Let’s face it, the holidays are not the best for watching your waistline or maintaining a diet. But, you don’t have to throw all caution to the wind. At the very least if you’re going to give in to all the holidays treats, you can at least stay active. Before you argue that it’s cold outside, or quarantining makes it hard to workout, we’ve got some great suggestions on how to stay active during the holidays.
Embrace the Cold
There’s nothing like cold weather to get you into the holiday spirit, so why not embrace it and find ways to stay active despite it? Here are some of our favorite cold weather activities that are perfect for the holiday weather.
- Ice Skating
- Ice Hockey
- Flag Football
- Trail Running/Walking
- Bike Riding
Exercise When You Can
If the holidays are a super busy time for you, sometimes you just have to make the opportunities to get active. Here are some ideas we’ve come up for you that you can literally do anywhere, at any time.
- 50 squats a day (break them up throughout the day)
- 100 jumping jacks (try 20 at a time)
- Climb the stairs (do extra rounds if you have the time)
- Park at the far end of the parking lot so you have to walk a bit
Keep Your Energy Up
If you’re not keeping up with your regular exercise routine and you’re indulging in one too many treats, you can begin to feel sluggish. Keep your energy up by making sure you’re giving everything your body needs, Here’s a checklist.
- Eat Healthy When You Can
- Remember Your daily multivitamin. We like these take-on-the-go Multivitamin Easy Sticks by Pure Encapsulations.
- Pay back depleted nutrients with natural supplements such as Athletic Nutrients by Pure Encapsulations.
Plan Ahead
If you’re going to be traveling a lot during the holiday season, plan ahead so you can stay active. If you’re staying in hotels, call ahead to see if they have a gym facility you can use. If you’re staying at a friend or relatives home, see if they have home exercise equipment you can use. If you’re really out of options, see if a gym in the area will allow you to purchase visits by the day for the time you will be in town.
You don’t have to dump all the progress you’ve made all year just because it’s the holiday season. You can stay healthy and active, and still have a good time. Try some of these “stay active” tips, and have a safe and happy holiday season.