It’s back to school time for the kids, and whatever that looks like for your family – in person or virtual learning – you’ll want to make sure your child is getting all the help they need to be successful. That means nutritious meals and high quality supplements to fill in the gaps, but that’s not all. Here’s what you need to know about healthy back to school habits.
Healthy Back to School Habits
When we refer to our health in terms of going back to school, we’re not just talking about trying to avoid getting sick (although that’s important too). We want to focus on whole body health, so that our children can perform at the very top of their capabilities. Here are some ways to help them do that.
- Make Breakfast a Priority – Making time to sit down and eat a well-rounded healthy breakfast is important. Children are more alert and do better in school if their bellies are full of good food. Grabbing a granola bar while running out the door is not ideal, and will leave their tummies grumbling (and minds wandering) hours before lunchtime. Try to incorporate a protein, whole grain, and a serving of dairy and fruit in each meal if possible. For some great breakfast recipes ideas, check out this link.
- Get Enough Sleep – Set a good bedtime routine so that your child gets enough sleep each night before they have to get up in the morning for school. For a list of sleep guidelines broken down by age, check this link. Keep in mind that most school age children need between nine and 12 hours of sleep each night, so if they have an early wake up call, an early bedtime is vital.
- Age Appropriate Supplements – School age children require different levels of vitamins and minerals in their diets. These nutrients are essential to their growth and a strong immune system, so a high-quality, age appropriate supplements are key. Here are some of our favorites:
- Limit Stress – Growing up is stressful, so do your best to take a load off your child’s shoulders. You might be surprised at how simple routines can help curb stress for school age children. For example; help your child get organized for school the night before so they aren’t rushing in the morning. Do this by encouraging them to lay out their school clothes the night before. Also, make sure homework is done before dinner and all school supplies (including a mask and hand sanitizer) are packed up and ready to go when they leave in the morning. When kids don’t have to stress about the little things, they can focus more on the big picture – learning!
Starting the school year off in a healthy way can mean success for your student this year. Help them take charge of their education and enjoy watching them flourish! Good luck!