For far too many of us, the most challenging part of our daily schedule is prioritizing the time, as well as finding the energy and motivation to exercise. While we may convince ourselves that we are just too tired or too busy to workout, are we really just procrastinating? If you adhere to the philosophy that if it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would actually be accomplished, it may be time to re-evaluate your time management skills. If you often wonder why busy people seem to get so much done and still manage to find time for physical activity, a faulty sense of time may be to blame. It’s true that many with free time on their hands, often accomplish less than those who are busier but use their time well. When the idea of going to the gym or outside for a brisk walk seems overwhelming, excuses often follow. Breaking physical activity down into smaller segments of time may be one way to gradually increase the level of activity, as well as build energy and stamina.
Failure to exercise can also be attributed to low energy, physical or mental fatigue and poor self-image. While low energy levels can have various causes, such as medications, thyroid dysfunction, medical issues, depression, vitamin deficiencies, poor sleep quality, and unhealthy lifestyle habits, it can also be the result of a sedentary existence. A consult with a healthcare practitioner can determine if a medical condition is responsible for persistent tiredness. Those deemed healthy overall, but not physically fit, can help boost energy levels, improve mood and elevate self-esteem by making physical activity a part their daily routine. Enhancing the diet with nutrient dense energizing antioxidant fruits and vegetables, sufficiently hydrating and prioritizing sleep are good ways to support a quest for improved health and fitness.
Barring a medical diagnosis, unusual time constraints or unforeseen circumstances, procrastination may be all that’s preventing exercise from becoming part of a healthy lifestyle. When making the commitment seems daunting, place the focus on the health benefits of small amounts of daily exercise, rather than the intimidation of unrealistic lofty goals. Adjust your mindset and concentrate on the now to get past mental roadblocks preventing you from taking those first small but significant steps toward improved energy, mood and self-esteem. There are many different ways to be active, and you have the freedom to choose any activities that you enjoy. Whether your eventual goal is to run a 10K, lose weight or reduce chronic disease risk, set yourself up for success and address complacency by scheduling specific times for exercise that work with your regular daily schedule.
Motivation doesn’t happen on its own; it has to be created by you. Don’t set yourself up for failure by scheduling an early morning workout if you’re more likely to hit the snooze button than make it to the gym. If you often work late or have a tight schedule of family commitments in the late afternoons, perhaps a regularly scheduled twenty minute walk with a coworker or friend during the lunch period would work best for you, as well as hold you accountable. Accepting exercise as a necessary part of health maintenance, acknowledging your own responsibility, and realizing that all exercise has value provides strong motivation for a positive and rewarding approach to physical fitness and overall wellness.
Exercise promotes restful sleep, improves circulation, strengthens muscles, provides more oxygen to cells and organs, supports increased energy production, relieves stress and releases hormones that support positive mood. Simply by banishing excuses and making some smart health supporting choices each day, many achieve a higher lever of satisfaction and happiness, as well as improved vitality and overall quality of life.
Supplements such as CoQ10, ashwagandha, cordyceps and ginseng may help to reduce stress, as well as support cellular energy production and healthy mood. CoQ10, or its reduced form ubiquinol, is central to energy production, especially for seniors as we produce less of this vital substance as we age. Ashwagandha, an adaptogenic herb, aids a normal stress response and supports restful sleep. Cordyceps appears to facilitate oxygen intake, helping to increase endurance. Ginseng helps to boost energy production and supports healthy mood.
Professional Supplement Center offers many high quality products in support of overall health and vitality:
CoQ10 100 mg by Integrative Therapeutics®: This easy to swallow softgel provides 100 mg of CoQ10 as ubiquinone per serving in support of decreased fatigue and energy production. Free of gluten, wheat, dairy, yeast, preservatives and artificial coloring and flavoring.
Ayur-Ashwagandha 300 mg by Douglas Laboratories®: Utilized as a general tonic in Traditional medicine, Ashwagandha is believed to support energy production, as well as mental and physical performance. By supporting a healthy adrenal response, it provides calming support during stressful times. Free of wheat gluten, soy, dairy, yeast and artificial coloring, flavoring and preservatives.
Super Cordyceps by Mushroom Wisdom: This medicinal mushroom mycelium extract is known to support stamina and endurance. It contains a wide variety of active bio-metabolites with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunomodulating, anti-viral, neuroprotective, anti-fatigue and many other health benefitting properties. Free of gluten, wheat, soy, dairy and artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.
Ginseng Plus by Pure Planet: This minimally processed White American ginseng extract supports a balanced stress response and promotes increased energy, stamina and endurance without jittery side effects. Contains only American ginseng and California grown spirulina. Non-GMO, vegan formulation.
11 Ways to Fight Fatigue.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Skip Your Workout.
11 Ways to Overcome Procrastination.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Skip Your Workout.
6 science-based secrets to staying motivated at the gym.
Why Aren’t You Motivated to Exercise?