Vitamin K: Blood’s Best Friend

What Is Vitamin K?

Vitamin K isn’t just one vitamin, but a group of 3 fat-soluble vitamins that’s similar to one another. The three vitamins in this group are: K1, which is made by plants; K2, which is involved in bone metabolism and is produced by bacteria in the intestinal tract; and, K3, which is synthetic.

Why Do We Need It?

Vitamin K is essential to our health. It’s a necessity in order for our blood to properly clot. Without enough vitamin K in our systems, we can experience anemia, bruising, bleeding gums or noses, and heavy menstrual (in women). Newborns are given a shot of Vitamin K at the hospital to increase coagulation abilities. It’s sometimes given to patients who have undergone surgery to prevent hemorrhaging. It’s also given to people whose blood has lost the natural blood clotting ability, like those with liver disease, jaundice, malabsorption. Those who bruise easily will find a friend in vitamin K.

Vitamin K lowers the risk of fractures and helps prevent soft tissue calcification, which help in the prevention of osteoporosis and arthritis. It helps the liver make glycogen, which is vital for liver function. Vitamin K is a powerful antioxidant, can slow nerve cell death, and may help in treating Alzheimer’s disease. It can be applied as a cream to diminish bruising, to treat spider veins and rosacea, and to help hyperpigmentation and the dark circles under your eyes fade.

Vitamin K is also an antidote for anti-coagulation drug poisoning, which can cause death by causing internal bleeding.

In a study on women with viral cirrhosis, some of them were given vitamin K. Those given it were 90% less likely to get liver cancer later. In another study, it was found that men with prostate cancer were deficient in Vitamin K. A clinical trial proved that a subtype of vitamin K2 might be able to keep liver cancer from returning after the cancer has been surgically removed.

Who Needs a Vitamin K Supplement?

Vitamin K can be gotten somewhat through foods like: kale, collard greens, spinach, beet greens, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. Deficiencies in Vitamin K, however, can lead to osteoporosis, coronary heart disease, and severe aortic calcification, leading to death, so it’s vital to never have a deficiency. The best way to do this is to supplement with vitamins like, Nutrient 950 with Vitamin K and K-1 1000.