WEEK 3: 90-Day Healthy Weight Challenge

PSCteam2JenniferIconBy Jennifer Bement
Social Media Manager

As we mentioned in our last newsletter, much of our staff have taken up the challenge of working toward a healthy weight. Each participant was given the following supplements:  Nordic Naturals ProOmega Lemon EPA/DHA (fish oil), Douglas Laboratories Multi-Probiotic 15 billion, Enzymedica Digest Gold (a potent digestive enzyme,) and Metagenics PhytoMulti, a multivitamin and mineral formula. Additionally they were divided into three groups based on the weight loss supplement that was deemed best for them by our staff nurse Jacquie Eubanks.  Each received one of the following: Ortho Molecular CLA, which supports reducing body fat while increasing muscle tone; Douglas Laboratories Super HCA (garcinia cambogia extract), which aids in normal appetite regulation; or Integrative Therapeutics 7-KETO Lean, which helps burn fat, not muscle, and promotes weight loss.

As the challenge moves into its third week, the team continues to amaze withWalkers2 their hard work, leading to great results. For Week 3, the team collectively walked/ran 42.5 miles and did yard work, housework, barn chores, yoga, kick boxing, aerobics, water aerobics, Ta Chi, and stair work for an amazing 47 hours! Weigh-in at the end of Week 3 showed a loss of 69 pounds!

Nurse Jacquie has been guiding each team member through the process with weekly private meetings to assess their progress. “I am thrilled with the results we are getting” she exclaimed. “Not only are they starting to think about the food they are consuming, but this week really showed that they are willing to work for the results.”