Now, more than ever, it’s important for us to be vigilant about our health and the health of our families. So today, let’s talk about some of the winter kids’ health essentials that can help keep our kids’ immune systems strong, and ready to take on whatever comes their way.
Winter Health Challenges
It’s not just COVID-19 that we have to be weary of during the winter months. There are many other winter health challenges that we face when the weather turns colder. Here is a list of the most common concerns that we often encounter, and next we’ll discuss how to face them head on with some tried-and-true winter kids’ health essentials.
- The Common Cold
- The Flu
- NoroVirus (Stomach Flu)
- Bronchitis
- COVID-19
- Pneumonia
Preventing Illness in Winter
Over the past year we’ve all gotten better at taking health precautions, and those same efforts should be continued to help keep other winter health concerns at bay. In this list, we’re specifically referring to winter kids’ health essentials, but really, these tips can apply to all of us to ensure a healthy winter season.
Wash Your Hands
It seems simple, but washing your hands often can be the number one defense against contracting a winter illness. Be especially vigilant about hand washing when coming in contact with public surfaces, shaking hands, or using the restroom. If soap and water aren’t available, carry hand sanitizer to kill the germs until you can get to a sink. Not only are you protecting yourself, but you’ll be stopping the spread of germs to others.
Boost Your Immunity
You may not realize it, but you do have control over your immune system. In fact it’s pretty easy to give your immune system a major boost to help ward off disease and keep us healthy all winter long. Try some of these winter kids’ health essentials today.
- Eat Fruits and Veggies Daily, Especially Citrus
- Get Plenty of Exercise (outdoors if possible)
- Take Vitamin D3 Supplements (kids will love these gummies)
- Follow Sleep Guidelines for Children
Stay Home if Sick
If you or your child does come down with an illness, it’s important to stay home. Not only will rest and good nutrition at home help you recover, it will help prevent the spread of illness to others. Likewise, if someone close to you becomes ill, keep your distance to avoid contracting the illness yourself.
Protect Your GI Tract
A healthy stomach, colon, and GI tract can go a long way towards keeping your child healthy during the winter months. A daily probiotic like these probiotic gummies from Nordic Naturals are a great way to give your child powerful protection against common health concerns.
Sanitize Everything
Keeping heavily touched surfaces and items cleaned and sanitized will go a long way in the fight against winter illness. Here are some common areas that need to be cleaned regularly.
- Door Knobs and Handles
- Counters and Bathrooms
- Bed Sheets and Nighttime Friends (Stuffed Animals, Lovies)
- School Clothes and Backpacks
- Outdoor Shoes (Leave Them Outside and Clean Often)
You don’t have to be a victim of wintertime illnesses, use these simple winter kids’ health essentials to protect you and your family. Have a safe and healthy new year!